HockeyStick show
HockeyStick Show
Machine Learning algorithms explained, with Vadim Smolyakov - HS#18

Machine Learning algorithms explained, with Vadim Smolyakov - HS#18

ML algos made simple

Simplifying Algorithms with Vadim Smolyakov!

Get Vadim's book 45% OFF with code hockeystick24 here:

Join Miko Pawlikowski on HockeyStick as he discusses machine learning algorithms with Vadim Smolyakov, author of 'Machine Learning Algorithms in Depth.' They explore Vadim's experiences at MIT CSAIL, his work at Microsoft, and key machine learning concepts like Bayesian nonparametrics, decision trees, and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Vadim also shares insights on his book, the challenges in implementing ML algorithms, and predictions about the future of AI. This episode is perfect for intermediate learners and those new to machine learning.

0:00 Guest Introduction: Vadim Smolyakov

00:48 MIT CSAIL Experience

01:28 Bayesian Inference and Non-Parametrics

02:30 Vadim's Work at Microsoft

03:14 The Origin of Vadim's Book

06:41 Target Audience for the Book

08:04 Explaining Bayesian Algorithms

15:57 Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning

19:22 Decision Trees and Random Forests

24:42 Challenges in Implementing ML Algorithms

31:32 Top Machine Learning Algorithms

45:27 Future of AI and ML

50:31 Conclusion and Farewell

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